Scandidos Delta4, the complete solution for both Pre Treatment and At Treatment dose verification


Thanks to Delta4 Family you can control dose delivering in all modern treatment technologies (VMAT, IMRT, SBRT, 4D-RT and TomoTherapy). With all QA based on real measurements you can be confident that the dose delivered to your patient also is what you had planned.

Delta4PT ,               Anatomy,       Delta4 AT , Hexamotion
Delta4PT , Anatomy, Delta4 AT , Hexamotion


Delta4 At Treatment

Delta4 At Treatment: High accuracy monitoring of the dose delivered to the patient  during the treatment, to verify that it is the same that was planned for that patient.


- Confidence in IMRT and modulated arc treatments.


- Connection with the Record&Verify system.

Delta4 AT - Dowload the brochure
Transmission detector for in vivo dosimetry
AT Delta4.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 2.6 MB


Delta4 Pre Treatment

The Delta4 Pre Treatmentphantom uniquely offers a fast and accurate verification of complex radiotherapy treatment modalities.

Delta4 is a cylindrically shaped PMMA phantom, surrounding two crossing orthogonal planes with a total of 1069 p-Si diodes, very small in dimensions and spaced with high resolution.

Its link to the trigger signal of the LINAC provides a "4D" analysis.


- Verify the dose delivery in the three space dimentions and instantly analyse and approve plans, for all kind of treatments.


- Analyze the clinical significance of deviations and find the causes of deviations.


Delta4 for Elekta VMAT/RapidArc - Download the brochure
4D system for Pre Treatment QA
08-021 ScandiDos Elekta Lo4.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.1 MB
Overview of the Delta4 Pre Treatment - Download the brochure
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Delta4 Pre Treatment Plastic Water Phantom - Download the brochure
The Delta4 Phantom is also availble in Plastic Water which allows you to perform your patient plan QA consitent with the dosimetry protocols TG-51 and TRS-398.
Documento Adobe Acrobat 681.3 KB
Delta4 for Tomotherapy - Download the brochure
Delta4 Pre Treatment provides solutions also for TomoTherapy, with .tiff analysis, by means of dedicated plug-in
08-108 TomoTherapy Lo4.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.1 MB
Hexamotion QA in Tumor Tracking and Gating - Download the brochure
Platform 6 degree freedom for DeltaPT, for the verification of respiratory paths from 4D TC with the Delta4 Pre Treatment
Documento Adobe Acrobat 276.9 KB